Station Staff On Air Technology

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Audio Equipment


The studio is the heart of the station's operation. Radio Free Burning Man uses a simple set of rules for studio setup: Use whatever equipment can be had, but emphasize reliability, and ease of use.


At the center of a conventional broadcast studio is a console. RFBM has used professional broadcast consoles since 1995. In 2001, an RFBM staff member purchased a 1983 Broadcast Electronics 8S250, eight-channel, stereo mixer. This purely analog board has rotary pots, lever switches, hand-soldered interconnect wiring, modular, discrete electronics, and high-velocity VU-meters. Use of a professional broadcast console presents overall simplicity of control to the operators, who must often adapt quickly to the challenge of a live radio environment without the benefit of practice in this studio.

Consoles like this one are designed to combine various playback devices and microphones into an audio signal for the transmitter, without additional controls for stereo, tone or effects. Extra controls detract from live radio programming.

This console is built to accept sixteen audio sources through a 2 X 8 matrix. The most frequently used inputs are on the top row.

The other equipment includes:

  • Stanton C.402 CD Players + MP3
  • Rane HC-6 Headphone Console
  • Electrovoice RE27N/D microphones
  • Alesis M1 Active powered studio monitors
  • Windows based computers
  • Radio Systems DA-16 distribution amplifiers

The operator's position is situated in an L-shaped desk. Audio cabling is by custom-made snakes and harnesses using Belden 8451. The studio may be configured on-site as needed to be collocated with the transmitter equipment, linked by a cable, or incorporate UHF STL/TSL.


Audio from this system is applied to the stereo inputs of an Orban Optimod 8000A.




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